IHM Facility Services







Building and Grounds Care Programs



You never get a second chance to make a first impression

The outer facade of your facility is more important to an organizations success than one might think.  The appearance of a building and the grounds it rests upon can tell customers as well as employees a great deal about the company.  People secretly judge a facility by what is tangible; the information that they can see, smell and touch.

If a visitor to your facility is greeted with detailed landscaping, clear windows, glaring bright tile floors, and a fresh clean scent, their first impression of the company, not just the building is impacted positively.  Conversely, their opinion will be impacted negatively when they enter a building surrounded by over grown bushes, with a dull, dirty floor and a foul odor.

Aside from the implications that such an appearance might have on potential business dealings, employees are statistically shown to be less productive, and have a less favorable opinion of their employer when the facility they work in is unkempt.

It's in areas like building and grounds care that IHM Facility Services can demonstrate our versatility and value to our customers.  IHM can seamlessly assume such responsibilities, in addition to other services we can offer within your facility.

IHM Grounds Care Services might include:

  • Snow and Ice Removal
  • Lawn Mowing
  • Weed Trimming
  • Sidewalk/Walkway Maintenance
  • Trash Removal
  • Parking Lot Maintenance
  • Gate/Perimeter Security
  • Other Customer-Defined Exterior Responsibilities




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